As a working (and somewhat bone idle) couple, the evening is spent snuggled on the couch with our dinners, watching TV.
There's the remote control issue to start off with. When he has the remote, he drives me insane flicking trough channels at solar speed, where all I get is a headache. How he can absorb the picture and make a decision on the eligibility of the program in a split second of a blurred flash of the picture, where I cant even make out if it's a program, commercials or in color or black & white is a riddle to this day.. But, hey, I get to flick most of the time.
There are programs that are so girlish that any man would rather wear lace panties before admitting to have seen a full episode of "Who's wedding is it anyway", "Tyra Banks show", "Yummy Mummy", "Charmed", "Celebrity Makeover" or "Women on men", so best just let it go.
Then again there are programs men love, even if they are both educational and "current", us girls just can't muster up the enthusiasm to last through a full episode. You have those hi-tech "futuristic/scientific" specials we know and love, such as "Mega structures", "Uncovered: Life on Mars", "Physics of Athletics" and the "History/Myth-Busting"- category such as "The Third Reich:5 hrs. behind-the-senes special", "Djenghis Khan: War Strategy" or the "Adventure/Wildlife" category with goodies such as "Worlds most dangerous Predators", " Whitewater rafting: Alaska gone wild!" or " Reptiles in the outback".
So, what can we agree on.
Thanks to whatever good forces was with me, but my man is blessed with an almost complete lack of interest in the no.1 enemy of female TV-viewing: Sports. That's right, no.sports.necessary.
We both enjoy a good comedy, and we can agree on several.
We like Malcom in the middle, coupling, Scrubs, Two and a half men, king of Queens, Fraiser, The Office (Brit version, please!), How I met your mother, Rules of engagement e.t.c.
He can endure an occasional Sex and the City or Lipstick Jungle, and I'm compromising to see NYPD Blue or CSI.
All in all we both agree on two things as far as the TV is concerned:
1: What's up with all those commercials!
2: What's up with those constant re-runs?!