Sunday, July 12, 2009

You know you are back home when..

- You feel like a child again. Parents never stop acting like parents when you are under their roof. It's a timewarp.
- A sheep or two walks through the garden when you have your morning coffee (Norway)
- You meet old scoolmates and think to yourself, "damn, they look old"
- You forget the wonderful health politics with a dash of christian puritanism of Norway and try to buy a sixpack of beer after 18.00, only to be sent out in shame
- You find some of your old clothes and make sure that no, there is no chance in hell you will EVER EVER fit back into them.
- You find some of your old clothes and blush by the thought of you actually wearing that in public
- Going to bed at 22.00 seems perfectly natural
- All food is nostalgic and tastes great
- You can't wait to get back to your own place, even though the visit home was great

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