Saturday, December 26, 2009

Breakup. The 5 stages you have to come through

1.Denial — "He's just out for a beer to gather his thoughts.. he'll be back with BurgerKing soon"; "He probably lied about cheating on me to get a reaction from me" " He'll call in a minute!"
Denial is usually only a temporary defense for the individual. This feeling is generally replaced with heightened awareness of situations and individuals that will be left behind after the breakup
2.Anger — "How dare you not love me!" " "Who is to blame? Bring it on!" " I want to kick your ass with the highest and sharpest stilettos in the world!"
Once in the second stage, the individual recognizes that denial cannot continue. Because of anger, the person is very difficult to care for due to misplaced feelings of rage and envy.
3.Bargaining — "I'll do anything to get you back, almost.."; " If I promise to suck your cock every day... "I'll change, I promise. Ironed shirts everyday, baby!"
The third stage involves the hope that the individual can somehow postpone or delay the breakup.
4.Depression — "I'm an unlovable piece of trash?"; "I'm never going to be happy again". . . " I'm ugly and fat", " It's a joungle out there"..
During the fourth stage, the world is simply just shit.
5.Acceptance — "It's going to be okay."; " He looks kind of qute, doesn't he?"
" A date? Why not" . "I'm better-looking than his new woman, anyway"!
This is where you have given up the battle, and look forward to a new life in the single world. Happy journey to all breakupees out there!
Thank god I got through them all in one piece. Not that I won't relapse now and again, but I am happy to say I'm ready to leave behind the past and the future I cannot have and instead welcome the new life I have unlived ahead!

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