Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Forgiving oneself.. Getting past the past

Why is forgiving oneself for past mistakes so damn hard? I am such a forgiving person to others. People have gotten away with murder and I just cannot seem to get past my past.
Its a movie that loops featuring "every mistake I have made". If rumination was a sport I would be in olympic class. What is rumination really? My friend Wiki tells us: Rumination is defined as the compulsively focused attention on the symptoms of one's distress, and on its possible causes and consequences, as opposed to its solutions.[1] Rumination is similar to worry except rumination focuses on bad feelings and experiences from the past, whereas worry is concerned with potential bad events in the future.[1] Both rumination and worry are associated with anxiety and other negative emotional states.[1]

So.. Why do I keep up with this? Most people will have forgotten my mistakes. Most people will remember me for the good times, whereas Im paranoid thinking Im remembered for my flaws and mishaps only!
This has to stop as its ruining my future and my focus.
I wow that I shall not ruminate today and work towards forgiving myself when and as soon as I can. 

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