Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thoughts on sleep

Following my back-injury, I did not get a full night sleep for a week and a half.
Not more sleep than a few hours in a row. Then the pain would wake me and it would take ages to get back to sleep. For an insomniac as myself, its hard enough to fall asleep on a regular day, so the back-pain was most unwelcome. I turn into a monster when I dont sleep enough. Since childhood I have needed regular hibernation. We're talking 15 hour kips here. To re-charge my batteries so to speak. Sometimes people tell me they only need a few hours a night to be fresh. How can they? Some will also try to tell me 15 hours of sleep is bad for you. No way! How can sleep be bad? Sleep is one of my favorite things to do. One might even call it a hobby (shortly after sex and eating good food). If I am grumpy and depressed with bad skin and a short fuse..- I need my sleep. If sleep was an Olympic category I'd excel for sure. Below a link to a great blog. On the topic: sleep

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