Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lady Gaga makes me GaGa

So.. Am I the only one who things Lady GaGa is a great talent and musician of calibre, but think the styling is getting out of hand. I mean, she has Madonna for breakfast for sure. I just don't get all the hype. She looks like a tranny, and it's getting old.
It started with outlandish outfits. It caught everyone's attention. This is cool. Now she has gone from outlandish outfits, to be carried in a wagon shaped like a giant dinosaur-egg by gay-looking hunks. Lately however, she is in her underwear phase. Yes, you are thin and hot. You too are sexy. As much as you can! You will never be Rhianna or Beyonce! Sorry GaGa. Now please get back to your outlandish outfits and music!

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