Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Save the world from

I am feeling particularly moody today. No wonder, today is full moon.. Anyhow, I do enjoy a good moan. Below please find some current pet-hates of mine.


1: Justin Bieber: He is, where to begin, ehhh, uff, just so ... ahrg.. incredibly annoying

2: Hello Kitty. When is this gruesome trend gonna fade? I mean. Grown women .. .

3: Libya: "Its in the name of democracy and human rights" Duh...

4: TV reruns: Its a complete piss-take. What am I paying for exactly?

5: Eurovision: Spare me. Its a complete circus. I cant even watch it for the kitch-factor anymore.

6: Whitney Huston: For the love of God. Go through this rehab and stay away! Relax and take care of yourself and your daughter. it is good for you. No more desperate come-backs, please.

7: Low-Carb diets: YES YES, I know they work. But it's the toughest diet ever!

8: Eye- Cream: Damn you all! Be it Dior, Dermologica,Kanebo, Bodyshop or Nivea. I still have bags and dark circles.

9: Dish-washing: A deep hollow cry! Why, but why, don't I have a dishwasher? And when I do it's still the thing I hate the most of all chores..

10: TIE: US and EU. Why can't we all just get a grip? Or at least stop acting as if we haven't got to?