Monday, July 5, 2010

The working week

Have we really considered the necessity of this working week we have today?
Is it really aligned with the realities and needs of modern man and women?
I believe not!
there is something fundamentally wrong in the way the current working week is the way it's been since ... well.. since it was needed.
I know in Nordic countries and in leading companies flexi-time and home-office solutions are common, but for most of us it's the same old hamster-wheel week in and out. It's Friday? Great.. I'll be legless by 21.00 due to exhaustion from 5 days of work.
It's Saturday? Yippie! The ONE DAY I can actually organise the life I try to pretend to have outside work!
It's Sunday? The day before I am back in modern slavery? Thoughts are trapped in anticipation of new wonderful working week.
We have swipe-card?
We have short lunch-break. Barely enough to run , queue and pick up sandwhitch with no taste eaten in hurry in front of PC?
We have instant coffee?
We have sick-leave forms?
We have office yucca palm?
We have life?

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