Friday, July 23, 2010

That time of the month...

Evolution is overrated. Evolution is a lie. Why why why do the human woman have her cycle EVERY MONTH! Can someone please enlighten me on the neccesity of this? Why do we need to be able to reproduce at this frequency? Why can't we, as most animals, have better terms and conditions? I OBJECT! I don't want!
Sheep , foxes and elk have once a year.. and always in fall/winter.
Horses and hamsters breed in spring /summer.
Dogs are diestrous and have their periode just 2 times a year.
And here we are. Bleeding every frikin month. Who benefits from this ?
Women certainly don't.. And I am preatty sure there are hordes of boyfriends and husbands out there that would support the diestrous cycle with a parade!
Though there is no comfort in it, rabbit ladies are estrous and can concieve at any given time!

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