Thursday, July 8, 2010

Is there such a thing as a household gene?

Throught my adult life I have been confronted with my possibly biggest weakness. Every single man in my life have grinded their teeth and tried to grin and bear it.
Each landlord must have had a mild post-stroke after rent-collection.
I just cannot keep a household.
Words like "katastrofa", "beirut brothel", "squad" and worse comes to mind.
I know it isn't difficult, but it sure ain't easy either!
I can hear you going pfff. pfff.. "it's a matter of self-dicipline", "it's just about lazyness", "one must apply oneself".. Trust me... I have plenty of all, which can be applied in situations required, just NOT HOUSEWORK PLEASE!
I procrastinate, I shiver, I cry, I try.. Not at all. No chance.
Now I am getting help. Preferably with Household genes and high tolerance!
If I never need to clean a toilet ever again I will die a happy woman!

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