Friday, December 19, 2008

Those new-year's resolutions...

So, I can be a new woman,- AGAIN.
I can each year you see, but I never get round to it. We all have broken new-year's resolutions in common. Personally I stopped announcing them many years ago.
No need to face the public embarrassment of broken resolutions 2 week into January.
Every year I announce to all my friends that " My only new-year's resolution this year, is not to have any". Very clever, right.
Inside I'll always have my secret private resolutions, though.
Will this be the year I finally manage to quit smoking? Being a smoker nowadays is a public humiliation.
Can I fit into a size 10 this year?
Will I ever be in control of my personal cash-flow?
All the same pressures of new-years resolutions I endure in quiet defeat.
But, as my friend and an absolute cynic, pointed out:
"Girl, will you chill out on the January- or- complete- failure nonsense, there's a brand new Monday every week!"
Seems I can feel guilty year-round, fuzzing over January alone does not suffice.
I'll have some Gluhwein and a few cookies now, I think.


AdviceMaven said...

I'm happy if I can get something crossed off my "to do" list, a New Year's resolution is just too much commitment for me.

Besides, it's the things you don't plan on achieving that just come your way. Most of this year I've been selected by my kids as "meanest mom in the world." I wasn't even trying for that one--still not sure if a trophy comes with it.

No Superwoman said...

Thanks for visiting my blog :) I'd say "meanest mum in the world"-award winning is symptomatic of consistent and no-frills parenting. Amongst my friend's kids ( don't have my own yet) the "cool" mums are those who never say no.. and stand the chance of one day having grown-up kids handing out their own awards..