Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Up for air

I'm up for air. It's time to live again. Somewhere within the last 16 months I lost myself. Where did I go?
Honestly I don't know. But I sure was gone. 
I'm sure some of you must have had a similar experience at some point in your life. Where a year or more of your life just seems a hazy fog, and its as if it never happened. You can see yourself walking through that phase as a zombie. It's you, but it isn't at the same time.
You want to yell out to the you in the past all sorts of warnings and corrections, yet you know deep down it would not have mattered. That period of time was doomed. It's time you will never get back.But you have the option to continue the zombie-version of yourself or snap out of it. Mostly it passes on it's own, however every now and then you must give it a little push.
Once the smallest of push is made, and you step out of the underworld ready to become yourself again.
The one you used to be, the one you were at your best,- the one you know you could be and the one you should be...magic can happen. I have exited zombie-world and faced the mirror. And I said "enough of this shit!
I might be flawed in every conceivable way, but I don't wish this existence on my worst enemy. I miss ME!"
I might be flawed in every conceivable way, but I don't wish this existence on my worst enemy. I miss ME!"
As one say "
Misery loves company", the same applies to positivism. Since I sna
pped out of my misery I have had a string of good luck. Good for me !

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