Friday, November 11, 2011

Missing. Thoughts on longing

I'm starting to get, for the first time in my life properly, why so many great works of art are made on the basis of longing. Music, literature, films, paintings even buildings.. great work of beauty are created by humans missing another human being.
Sure I have missed people before! I've sent fond thoughts. I've called and text-ed endlessly, had private conversations with them in my head, written letters, lost sleep and all the things that you do when missing.
Yet, it took me til 2011 to know the real measure of real longing. Longing for the one you love. The one who's presence is for you as essentially different as being asleep or awake.
Irish captain's at sea, and he left me in sweet longing. I would give anything for the guarantee that this ache won't turn from bittersweet, as I know he'll return to me, to sour. Luckily I'm too in love and feel in love back enough not to indulge in the mental insanity of playing the "what if.."- game.
I fully get the "climb every mountain" and "swim across oceans"-theeme now. And believe me,- I would.
However I don't think there can be beautiful missing combined with certain suicide, so I'll bet leave the ocean-crossing and mountain climbing.
Already planning the scrumptious meals I'll make him when he returns. Nice way to spend the time walking the dog. What would Irish Captain appreciate for dinner tonight?
I'm not longing because I am bored.
I don't miss him because I like to keep an eye on him.
I don't wait for him so he can come sort my life out.
I don't miss him out of habit
I don't miss him to because I'm acquired to..
I just do. And it feels good. Similar to how my heart feels when I miss my mother or father. Family.
Irish captain feels like family.

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