Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New Chapters. Those life-changing moments that steers your life in a new direction.

Sometimes something happens to rock your existence and make you "wake up" to realize it is time for a change.
Your life might be just grand. You may be happy enough or unhappy, yet surfing along in the direction and environment "your life" is in at that point in time.
Then something occurs. It can be everything from an actual happening to some sudden "this is my life" ephifamy.
The break-up from a life partner, loss of a job, the moment you become serious with a new boyfriend, a long walk in solitude, waking up in the middle of the night with one clear thought ..the "moments" are all different, but they all have something in common. You just know in the hearts of hearts that this means the beginning of something new in your life. A change. New chapter. You have grown up a little bit more.
Often these moments come to me when I have been moving in one direction, or lived in a pattern that does not fulfill me out of habit and routine, and obliviousness to my surroundings can no longer be ignored.
These "new chapters" funnily enough seem to reach me every 4-5 years. They are scary and often requires a lot of work, which is a challenge for me to wake my initiative and drive from hibernation.
So. After 16 years abroad, I am moving back to my hometown. After years and years of harping about "no way ever in my life back there".. New priorities. The 34 year old wants something different from the 24 year-old. The eternal student is ready to come home.

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