Monday, February 17, 2014

selfies and male leather skirts

What kind of self-obsessed madness have come upon us? Just read that taking "selfies" of your BUM, has a name.... Kanye west and the rest of them are wearing leather skirts.. We try so hard to swallow the kilt as it is.. now men are wearing skirts? Jared Leto sported a ..yes.. chiffon.. skirt last red carpet.. Just read there is more demand at the moment for breast implant removal than implants. Kylie M is doing a Madonna on us.. same shit. PU IT AWAY. Worst song ever btw..
Gwenyth Paltrow twerking with tofu appetizers on her skinny ass next? Cripes! As I predicted Justin B is heading for rehab, what I hadn't vouched for was Selena Gomez beating him to it. Just saw Beyonze's newest single. She is "drunk in love" soft-porning it on a beach, pornhub material.. Dreadful song.. almost as bad as Kim K and Kanye's motorcycle shocker..  People have all now become super timid to what we put on FB. It was more fun at least, mealtime updates or not, when we did not have all these filters to what we posted.. now everyone are so salongfahig and PC on FB its a long yawn. Ahrg... I sound like an older version of myself.. oops.. I am..

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What a difference a year makes. My birthday coming up and things could not be more different. I am back on the rock. I am back in my house. I am back in my skin and I am back in my mind. Praise the lord, there is space for me again. The space I am willing to give myself. Other people can define it, but that does not mean I have to inhabit the limited space they give me. The world is big. I have learned massive lessons about loosing. Loosing my home, my love and my mind. And I have learned the importance of letting go and move on. Like reptiles shed skin I have shed over the scope of 2 years: fake friends, wrong place to be, substance-less man, bad habits, my animals, wrong self-image/right self-image and tons of personal integrity, pride, stubbornness, possessions and illusions.... ah illusions... Approaching another year of life no longer makes me shiver, -it makes me smile. As my beautiful friend always tells me: karma will take care of the people who've wronged... That hopefully means I have paid enough. Lord and his wife knows I have had a lot to pay for. But just maybe I am off the hook for a little while now. That would be nice. And then some. I don't really know how to be an adult. But finally I am getting willing and eager to learn.