Sunday, August 26, 2012

Back i guess?

So im back in Trondheim.. My hometown. And i thought it would be easy piece lemon-squeeze..
Not at all. The whole experience has been a bit of a shock. Not even sure what i had in mind.
The city is larger. The laws are stricter. The bitching is strong. We don't like gypsies, we don't like seagulls, we are soon to make Stoltenberg go.. we have a new law for barren women to have kids with egg donation.. Nobody pays cash here. Sheep walk the streets. Im confused. Still there is the smell of cut grass and daddy longlegs/longjohns..whatever captain calls it.. and field strawberries.. and magpies, owls, sparrows and squirl, bats, mice, ferrets, and an occasional shy deer walking across your lawn...

In Norway again. Hola Trondheim

So.. Back living in Trondheim after years and years abroad. The new life has not been as sooth as expected, but hey, story of my life..nothing ever is.
The summer breezed by nearly noticeable, but not without good parts.
Moving is stressful. Settling in more so.
Captain is practicing his Norsk and I'm on the job-hunt yet again.
Some new observations on my home-country/ town.


- You can fish in the city-center and eat it too
- Every girl between fifteen and twenty five wears thick tights and hotpant short denim shorts coupled with either converse or mad heels
- There are sheep in the streets.. gnashing away in peoples gardens
- Norwegians have gone stark raving mad.. They exercise themselves to the point of lunacy. Everyone seem to own roller-skies, scott mountain bikes, nordic walking sticks, step-counters and every gadget and flashy outfit available for sale.
- A good night out is five hundred EURO
- The local dialect is the coolest of all Norwegian dialects
- I have to stop smoking