Thursday, September 15, 2011

To facebook or not to facebook, that's the question

So. I'm on facebook now since last year. Late adopter, for sure. I have been very skeptical to the whole thing. The exposure, the guilt of rejecting friend's requests, the endless copy & paste requests backed by emotional blackmail, the endless ranting from past classmates or colleges declaring "had beans on toast for breakfast!" or " Mark is the best lover in the whole world".. Not to mention the TIME you end up spending on the thing. Are we all peeping tom's? It's driven by curiosity and the human knack for gossip and scandal.
When that's all said, as an ex-pat I find facebook a very useful tool to keep in touch with old friends all over the world. You can keep yourself somehow updated on what's going on in their lives without overseas phone-bills or awkward emails. Birth, marriages and most of all BIRTHDAYS!!! I love FB first and foremost for the birthday notifications. Gives me time to use my favorite e-commerce site
and send cards.

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