Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Home office

Working from home has its pros and cons. Right now I am enjoying the pros. I get up. Put on my cuddly comfy fleece and pyjama pants, walk downstairs to log on the PC and put on the kettle. I feed the animals and do some stretching exercises. Coffee and checking in box is followed by lighting candles in the kitchen which is now my domain for culinary experiments (made cod with pearl barley the other day!?) and office.
Am I snacking too much? Yes. Dont even ask me how many coffees I have in a day.. Am I getting any work done? The remarkable answer is YES I AM. Almost everyone I know warned me against the home office thing. But I honestly think its the perfect marriage for me. I do get my work done, and I feel fantastic not having too get power-dressed and not having to sit in a horrible office landscape drinking nescafe. 12 points to home office. I think Ill hoover the living room now before I reply to my emails.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must agree, that having a kitchen office made my work way more efficient. Why?...well there are ample reasons, but just a few worth mentioning. For a start, I dont need to listen to all the office BS, and this would include all the AS*** that are really not into doing their job, but spoiling yours. Dress Code...LOL...comfy night wear or sports wear, fluffy socks, hair up "The Cure" style, cat on my right, big coffee mug on the right, coffee machine, always ON, right behind me. I never meet deadlines - I do everything before the deadline :), I dont take breaks - 10 minutes here and there adds up to maybe 30 minutes of NO work. Time saving - hell yeah... 30 minutes saved on break that I would normally take at the regular office, 4 good hours saved on being forced to listen to gossip, 2 hours saved on pointless management meetings... YEY I actually am productive! Thats how my kitchen office rolls!