Saturday, June 20, 2009

Never to Old for a Lie-Low

I bought a pink Lie-Low, and it's so great! I have wanted one for years, but never got round to getting one. It' so relaxing chilling on the Lie-Low, being cradled by the waves. The lie low is cool and the sun is hot. The only think is one must make sure not to fall asleep on it, and figure out tricks on how to get on them without looking like an ass. My dog is not allowed near it with his sharp claws, though.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Power of positive thinking

Prone to melancholy as I am, I am learning to think positive.
And believe it or not.. IT WORKS. There really is such a thing as "self fulfilling prophecy".. I can now see how I have missed out on many opportunities in life, because I already firmly believed the outcome to be known, and to be negative..
To begin with I was too determined, and tried to be little miss sunshine, but now that I am less strict with my "positive thinking abilities" now( after all, it is OK to feel crap now and then). Victor Hugo said “Melancholy is the pleasure of being sad”.
It is important to grieve and to allow oneself to have a good cry when things go wrong. If not, you are just storing it away, and as it grows in "storage", it becomes your own personal liability.
But, the message is: Think positive and don't expect the worst. Trust me. it really works.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Relationships are never perfect!

Why is it thought that couples why hurt each other are a misfit or not "soul mates/perfect match" e.t.c.?
Friends show "concern" and you feel as if there may be something wrong with your relationship if it made you say and do what you have done or made your partner say or do what he has.
All relationships we have with those we love are about loving, hurting and forgiving each other. Again and again.
Mother and daughter, siblings at any age, close long-time friends,
-we all hurt each other occasionally, even hate each other for some time.
Misunderstandings, sometimes just the fact that we are human and make giant mistakes occasionally or sometimes just strain and circumstances that would be enough to have anyone a little tense.
When you have a huge fight with your loved one it's easy to believe that the relationship itself is a huge failure, and that there must be something wrong since you end up hurting each other all the time. (if icepicks,heavy tranquilizers, baseball bats and/or knives have been involved, it IS wrong and you should ignore this post)
But there are the same rules for man/woman relationships as for all other meaningful and rewarding human relationship.
We will hurt one another, because we love. And we must give space to the other to deal with anger, hurt and rejection at times. But if its forgiven and sorry is said, and you move on, that's what its about. Am I right?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

First day of summer in a Bikini

I have put it off the best I can, but now I just have to stop being silly. I have to accept I am unfit, white as skimmed milk, and that will stay so until I get my arse down to the beach and swim and tan for a few weeks.
Then I will be, if not toned, less wobbly..
and if not tanned, not Anne Hathaway or LiLo.
First day on the beach in a bikini... always a mountain to climb.