Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Everyday treasures

Freshly squeezed orange juice (no..not from bottle..u must do it yourself! Oranges straight from the fridge)
A good cry triggered by beautiful music or a moving film/play/opera
An oral orgasm by a selfless and appreciating man
Coming inside from freezing wind and rain to a cozy warm house
Ice cold beer with good company
The perfect lasagna (sometimes you get so disappointed)
Fitting in to a pair of old jeans
Call from an old friend you have not spoken to in ages but never forgot
The dog walking perfect on the lead

What is your everyday treasures?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Good things about being over 30

The ability to say "no" to people. Life is too short to say yes to do things you dont want to do and things you don't have to do.

The benefit of knowing your body and your likes and dislikes in bed. Added bonus is the confidence to let your man know these things..

Most of us have mastered at least a few "signature dishes", which can be served without embarrassment and or food poisoning.

Rowing with parents have stopped, and one begins to actually enjoy their company.

A good night out does not have to include hysterical nightclubs, a drug/booze haze and meaningless one night stands.

You can reread some of the books you read in your teens, and actually understand them this time.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Home office

Working from home has its pros and cons. Right now I am enjoying the pros. I get up. Put on my cuddly comfy fleece and pyjama pants, walk downstairs to log on the PC and put on the kettle. I feed the animals and do some stretching exercises. Coffee and checking in box is followed by lighting candles in the kitchen which is now my domain for culinary experiments (made cod with pearl barley the other day!?) and office.
Am I snacking too much? Yes. Dont even ask me how many coffees I have in a day.. Am I getting any work done? The remarkable answer is YES I AM. Almost everyone I know warned me against the home office thing. But I honestly think its the perfect marriage for me. I do get my work done, and I feel fantastic not having too get power-dressed and not having to sit in a horrible office landscape drinking nescafe. 12 points to home office. I think Ill hoover the living room now before I reply to my emails.