Sunday, April 19, 2009

Too many beers in the sun..

No no no. I have done it AGAIN.
As sure as the Brits will get a sunburn, I have been dizzying round outside with too little clothes on. Yes, the sun is out, but that does not mean flip-flops. Soaking up sun, very nice, but I could feel a chill, couldn't I? The fact how cold it really was, muted by the many beers, most probably.
Seem to recall the dog shivering and whimpering towards the end of the evening, snuggling my beach bag for some snippet of warmth. What idiot goes out in a t-shirt in April. Anyway, my stupidity was handsomely rewarded with a 1 week stunt in bed with a copiously persistent and draining flu.
At least it's me who's sick. I don't get mansick...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Beer tastes better in the sun!

Phew! It's another winter survived. Exercise is fun again, and people look up rather than down walking down the street. Even dogs have a new swag in their trot, and beer just tastes that much better sipped in loving spring sunshine.
The girls seem prettier with their freshly shaved legs and fake tan streaks.All of a sudden men everywhere are panic-jogging, to get a sixpack before hitting the beach.. (giggle giggle, good luck with that guys)
Bye bye weight-gain and greasy comfort-food, welcome swimming and crispy salads!
Bye bye depression and nasty colds, hello velvety evenings in cotton dresses!