Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thoughts about hold-in panties and summer versus winter body syndrome

So, I have been invited to a wedding. And I have gained at least 8 kg. the last 6 months. Each year is the same for me. I wonder if anyone else have the same dilemma. The summer versus winter body syndrome.
Come spring and summer my body transforms back to what I like to see. I tone up, loose weight, get a tan and feel great. By august I look top notch. BUT, I know all too well what will happen. By December I have already turned into a pasty and wobbly version of my summer-self. And please note, this is pre-christmas. All women know Christmas is the arch-enemy of body comfort.
So, as the flab-gaining's started, I'm to be maid (!?) of honour at my friend's wedding. I've been out to look for one of those body-cookoon/stockings/hold-in thingy's I've heard and seen about. MY LORD! How am I supposed to eat in that thing?
And BLOODY HELL, why do they have to have such horrid light in the cubicles? I never understood the logic behind making us feel our absolute WORST about ourselves whilst out to shop things that are supposed to make us feel pretty.
I tried three different hold-ins.
1:The first one looked like a normal panty with a very high waist. Man, did it produce VPL (visible panty lines) ! It's so tights any but-flabb will be squeezed to the sides like sides of bacon.
2: Pant two was more for the bacon control, with a much lower waist. Man, did my pot-belly thrive hanging over the edge of those pants. I had the butt of a 17-year-old with 640 pints of lager on top. Bit NO
3: I immediately felt this would be my lad. This thing was the next best thing to mummification. Starts mid-thigh and ends just under the boobies. Problem here,though, was walking, breathing and sitting.

Sod it! I'll just buy a larger dress.

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